Obusuma is a wooden products brand established by the Obusuma Welfare Association's Hanno Office, a social welfare corporation in Hanno City, Saitama Prefecture. With Rika Kawato as the art director, OBUSUMA provides a new platform for self-expression for people with disabilities who support the creation of its products, conducting art activities to discover and nurture their hidden talents.
"a good view"
OBUSUMAを支えるメンバーたちが手や筆、木製品づくりの過程で出る端材を使って描いた色鮮やかな絵をさまざまな形に裂き、新たな作品として台紙の上に思いのままに貼り付けた作品がアートポスターの専門ブランド"a good view"から発表されました。
"a good view"
The members of OBUSUMA used their hands, brushes, and scraps of wood from the process of making wooden products to create colorful drawings which were then torn into various shapes to make a new piece of art. These works are released as art poster by “a good view,” a brand that specializes in art posters.
OBUSUMAのメンバーたちが色鉛筆や木工作業で出た端材で描いた文字と図形の中から、7 名のものを組み合わせて一つのサインにしました。
Letters and shapes drawn by OBUSUMA members using colored pencils and scraps of wood from their woodworking projects were combined to form one sign.
tona LLC. は、日本とデンマークにルーツを持つ河東梨香が代表を務めるデザイン会社です。河東は幼少期から多数の国や文化の中で暮らし、言葉によらないアートやデザインのさまざまな表現の素晴らしさに触れてきました。その経験を、医療福祉分野や国内外のインテリア・テキスタイルブランドなど、幅広い領域のデザインに生かしています。
tona LLC. is founded by Rika Kawato, a Japanese Danish designer. Having spent her childhood in different countries and cultures, Rika has been exposed to the diverse forms of art and design expression. tona LLC. applies this experience to a wide range of design fields including the healthcare and welfare sectors, as well as international textile & interior brands.
tona LLC. は2011年に設立された「tona BY RIKA KAWATO」を前身とする医療福祉分野を中心に手がけるデザイン会社です。長年携わってきたテキスタイル・インテリア・ビジュアルディレクションの技術を用いて、使い手や現場の思いにアプローチするデザインを実践しています。
In tona LLC., we use our skills and many years of experience in textile and interior design, and visual direction to provide a better experience in healthcare and welfare environments for the wellbeing of patients, their families, and staff.